Month: October 2024

  • Thorax stone circle

    On my way home from Battle hill I was in a good mood so I thought I’d check Thorax stone circle out. Taking the turn-off from the B9023, I followed a track which it dawned on me was simply leading to Thorax Farm; having read online that the owners were friendly to stonehunters, I decided…

  • Ha’ Hillock

    Ha’ Hillock

    I’ve been meaning to check out this mound a while and today was the day. After long deliberations, I decided that the layby just by the bridge down from Nether Blairock farmhouse was ok to park in since it’s not a passing place. I def think about these things too much, but on the flipside…

  • Want


    Sometimes, you don’t know how much you need a thing in your life until you have been browsing the internets and you don’t even knowwhat you are researching any more and then you come across .. a piggy windvane