Month: January 2025

  • A trip to Elgin

    There was another planned power cut so I asked John if he wanted to go to Elgin to the visit the local studies section in the library aaaaand of course this turned into an epic trip along the lesser known routes. And it was all the better for it! So it took us 3.5 hours…

  • Kestrel v Jackdaw: Fight for Nest Site – Robert E Fuller

    Amazing footage from Robert E Fuller in Yorkshire tracking kestrels and jackdaws contesting space.

  • Raich stone circle

    As I wrote over at Frendraught recumbent stone circle, which I visited earlier the same day, I parked in Forgue in the empty car park of the Scott Hall. I was still happy to be in the wood but after visiting the mess of Frendraught, I was hoping Raich would be in a better state.…

  • Frendraught recumbent stone circle

    Frendraught recumbent stone circle

    I went to Forgue and parked at the Walter Scott hall (in use but closed when I was there). I walked up past the school and into the woods. On reflection, it seems a strange place to put a school – right up a hill on the edge of a village – but I suppose…

  • Make Rotterdam Great Again

    Make Rotterdam Great Again

    Roffa gaat door

  • More animals – trail cam #2

    More animals – trail cam #2

    Very happy this time round: This is all very cool – I didn’t think we had foxes round here 🙂 Foxes are great, they’re so slinky. Tune in again soon for update #3

  • Donate to the Electronic Intifada!

    They are doing amazing work and it’d be nice if everyone donated to celebrate Ali Abunimah’s relase from detention in Switzerland!! You can donate via –

  • Cats


  • Kittens

    I got kittens from the SSPCA! They are adorables!!

  • The deer appear

    The deer appear

    I know there are deer, because I see their tracks and I see their poop. I see them occasionally but not very often, so I thought I’d set up a trail cam to see what they and other animals are up to. First time round, all I got was footage of Douglas the neighbour’s half-wildcat…