My first visit to the mighty Knock was modest and enjoyable. I’d been wondering where to park the car to climb the hill [what would the ancients make of that i wonder]. Apparently you can use a small car park / layby at Swilebog but from there the ascent is straight up and anyway I wanted to visit the stone circle. There was also another place to park at Knockbog so I went there first but the landowner had chained it off – shame.
Aweruuuh-+`++++++++++++++++++++++ I split wine on my keyboard the other day and put it next to the stove to dry, when I reclaimed it just now to do the typin it was hellah hot and now the keys have stopped working lol. Including the T. It was fine when I started typing but OK.
Enough car stuff. I parked at a “stone graveyard” of big stones presumably dumped there by a farmer, one with a sense of humour who had piled several on top of each other. There were also two rocks which must be 40 or 50 tons. These somewhat overshadowed the stone circle, which is made up of nine 0.30 ton stones, but nevertheless it was a splendid walk in the afternoon March sunshine. The circle is in a beauitoful spot, a clearing amongst trees. The sheep that had rubbed themselves against the stones were not around. Perhaps dead, who knows.
From the circle you can see down towards anCnoc distillery which offers a great tour. The colours of the hill and the trees and the grass and the mud were lush, all shades of brown and green lit by the sun. I hopped the gate and went a bit further up the hill wanting to get more of a view but then the deer track ran out and I didn’t fancy the heather with my ankle still on the mend so I just lay on the moss for a while.
I’ll be back!
[Afterwards I check ed out access to St. Brandan’s Stanes and Thorax stone circle but didn’t actually get out the car both because I felt knackered and now they’ve ploughed the fields]
TMA / Parking / Walk highlands